from 300 million years of being entombed within the Permian-age Cutler Formation. Now that’s cause for a holiday celebration!
The geologic clock grinds on, whether we are here or not.
from 300 million years of being entombed within the Permian-age Cutler Formation. Now that’s cause for a holiday celebration!
The geologic clock grinds on, whether we are here or not.
on BLM land near Round Mountain, ostensibly in the name of “fire suppression and mitigation,” occurred last week by a contract crew Yet the selection of downed trees is random and indiscriminate, and all the fuel has been left on the ground as seen in the images below. I intend to call the local BLM Field Office to learn more about this tree felling folly.
early in the day bring out the base jumpers, and here’s one enjoying a slow ride under canopy with Adobe Mesa in the background.
looms more than 1,700 feet (580 meters) above my vantage point where I captured this image. I’m scouting a scrambling route to access the light-colored spot about mid-slope below the prow, at the base of the Chinle/Moenkopi Formation contact, where I suspect carbonate deposits exist from a former spring.
heralds tomorrow’s partial lunar eclipse where 97% of Luna will be shadowed, turning it a ruddy red. Here’s the technical beta: Partial Lunar Eclipse of 2021 Nov 19
channel has returned, a sign that water diversion for irrigation to a local ranch has ended for the season.
fabulously terrific autumn days. But it gets too dark too early.
is a fallen megachunk of the Wingate Sandstone (or Kayenta Formation), stranded by progressive erosion of the Cutler Formation bedrock base, now delicately balanced on the shrinking pedestal. Don’t sneeze when you’re near this thing.
discharges from the basal contact of the Moenkopi Formation with the underlying Cutler Formation somewhere within this rockfall at the head of the drainage that I am exploring today.
has its headwaters in the La Sal Mountains but only flows during spring snowmelt and flash flood events. But when it contains water it is very capable of moving large clasts down the steep channel gradient.
of the trail on my ride today.
for broadband wireless transmission of the Interweb into our remote rural community. But I’m quite happy with my zooming fiber optic connection to the digital world with Emery Telcom.
public lands. Be sure to close the gate and enjoy yourself!
greets the morning from the summit of the highest golden cottonwood tree.
in my backyard as I pioneered a new adventurous hiking/canyoneering route in Castle Valley. I’m keeping this specific location a secret.
magnificently glorious autumn days.
belonging to the Scoyenia ichnofacies seen on the underside of this sandstone slab, consisting of the casts of tracks/trails and shallow horizontal burrows in the Permian-age Cutler Formation in Castle Valley, Utah. I’m coming back for this on a sample return mission on my eMTB tomorrow.
along the axis of Castle Valley, from the high La Sal Mountains to Parriott Mesa, from the tiny town of Castleton (far distant left) to the community of Castle Valley (far distant right).
in America is the Moab landfill, at least according to a 1986 Outside magazine contest. And here it is, shortly after sunrise this morning in its stunning panoramic beauty, captured as I went about today’s chores.
The runner-up, in case you’re curious, was Kodiak, Alaska. And they have big bears.