with a normal snowpack in the La Sal Mountains. But it’s been dry in the surrounding canyon country.
A window opens in the passing storm...
but very little precipitation fell in the valley nor in the high country, a bit of a disappointment. The snow water equivalent at the Lasal Mountain SNOTEL is indicated at 113% of the median.
A mild autumn season...
comes to a close in three days on the winter solstice and the extended forecast is for continued dry conditions with moderate temperatures. The Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting that “precipitation and snowfall will be average or above average throughout the Intermountain Region. The snowiest periods will fall in mid-November, early and late January, and mid-March.” We shall see.
Icy crystals of hoarfrost...
develop and are sustained in deeply shaded areas, seen here nucleating on blades of grass. It’s a frigid microscopic crystalline wonderland.
An outstanding early start...
to the water year in the high country thanks to a pre-Thanksgiving winter storm that dropped 1.5 inches (38 mm) of rain on Castle Valley yesterday.
Link to NRCS Snotel network.
Weekend rains translate to mountain snows...
in the La Sal Mountains, with snow level occurring at about 7,200 feet (~2,200 meters). It’s too early for the SNOTEL network to yield any seasonal information on snow depth and water content in the high country.
The first seasonal snow dusts the high country...
and signals a good start to the water year. I recorded a half-inch (12 mm) of liquid sunshine in my rain gauge yesterday.
Terrible air quality...
for the third day is affecting the eastern Utah region due to the Yellow Lake fire in the western Uintah Mountains. It’s going to take a change in wind direction to clear out the smoke and haze.
Link to Fire and Smoke Map 4.0 for latest air quality conditions.
Severe thunderstorm and flash flood warnings...
have been posted again for Castle Valley, six days after an intense flash flood that inundated a wide swath of the valley with mudflows. Since then the Town has done absolutely nothing to excavate the sediment-filled ditches and restore their capacity so that they can efficiently convey storm runoff and protect private property.
Setting as hard as adobe brick...
during the last several days, muddy deposits left behind on the landscape by the recent flash floods have become hard-baked by high temperatures. Desiccation structures - mudcracks - have developed on the fine-grained sediments.
High desert fluvial geomorphology...
on display in the canyons, washes and arroyos in mid- to upper-Castle Valley as a result of an intense thunderstorm two days ago. Erosion and sedimentation has occurred across a widespread area - both in and out of channels - but no structural damage was observed anywhere.
Flash flooding in Castle Valley...
occurred late this afternoon in response to an enormous storm cell that passed over the valley dropping about a half-inch of rain in less than an hour on hard-baked soils. Overland flow and sheet-flooding began immediately and ditches ran at full capacity along roadways for more than an hour. The National Weather Service did post both flash flood and severe thunderstorm warnings for the region and the last time an event this intense occurred was around 2010.
Magnificent mammatus clouds...
hang from the cloud base above Castleton Tower and Adobe Mesa as a squall line moves through Castle Valley this late afternoon.
There must be gold in Round Mountain...
if this evening’s rainbow is a guide.
April showers...
bring out rainbows.
Winter is hanging on...
in the high country with the La Sals completely immersed in a huge snow squall.
One week past the historic median peak, based on more than 40 years of record in the La Sal Mountains, the SNOTEL network reports there is 129% of the median snow water equivalent in the snowpack. Most excellent.
The most dramatic sunsets...
in Castle Valley occur when stormy skies begin to clear around sundown, as clouds rip apart and permit the last low-angle rays of the Sun to flare on the eastern skyline. This evening is such an evening.
Slow and lingering late winter storms...
maintain the snowpack in the high country at near normal levels while misting the lower valley with light rains. Springtime approaches in the high desert.
17 March 2024 update: This SNOTEL station now reports 119% of median SWE!
A snowy surprise...
blankets Castle Valley this morning. But it’s not going to last long.
As a result of this storm, snow depth in the La Sal Mountains ranges from 33 to 59 inches at the SNOTEL sites, with the snow water equivalent rising to 114% of the historic median.
Rain and snow squalls...
accompanied by unseasonably warm temperatures makes it feel like spring in the high desert.