with AI-driven functionality being incorporated into nearly all software and apps. My neighbor and riding companion wanted a snap of himself riding across Castle Creek, however, the flow had been diverted leaving a dry channel. PhotoShop’s “Generative Fill” function nicely simulated a gently flowing stream where one does not exist. Remarkable.
Here are the annotated La Sal Mountains...
as seen from a remote trailhead into Arches National Park, freshly dressed with snow on the last day of winter. The vernal equinox occurs tomorrow.
Click on image to enlarginate.
A seldom-used entry point for hikers into Arches National Park.
A supremely superb late-winter day...
in Castle Valley National Park. The singletrack beckons.
Another century mark rolls by...
on the hardtail during today’s gloriously nice ride. This also pushes me past 60% of the distance around the Earth at the equator.
Double the fun on the doubletrack...
this afternoon with excellent trail conditions for early winter riding. Cold, though.
Expansive views with endless vistas...
can be found at the apex of the Maverick singletrack at the Moab Brands mountain bike trail system. It’s nice to get out of the canyons occasionally and enjoy a seemingly infinite horizon.
View to south: Arches National Park on the east (left), La Sal Mountains to the south (center) and Gold Bar Rim and the Moab Fault to the west (right).
View into unnamed tributary canyon to Courthouse Wash in Arches National Park as seen from the Rockin’ A singletrack. Note the horizontal contact across the center of the image that is weeping groundwater, separating the Moab Member of the Curtis Formation from the underlying Slick Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone (Middle Jurassic (174.1-163.5 Ma)).
With welcome precipitation in the forecast...
and another spectacular winter day on tap, I took advantage of the continued mild weather and headed out to Moab Brands for a terrific afternoon bike ride. Few others are out and the trails are in perfect condition. Here’s a self portrait.
A window into the Honaker Trail Formation...
can be found below Deadman’s Curve on the old highway grade west of Arches National Park. This Upper Pennsylvanian-age (~300 Ma) carbonate unit crops out as a cliff former in very few places in the Moab area, seen in the image below as the grayer strata beneath the paved bike trail across the canyon, captured from a high vantage point on the Rusty Spur mountain bike trail.
Back in the bike saddle...
again in Castle Valley, Utah with the Trek full suspension e-mountain bike turning 3,000 miles on today’s ride. Since September 2020 the cumulative mileage on all my eMTBs comes to 14,357 miles (23,110 kilometers), or 57.6% of the Earth’s circumference at the equator. I’m feeling a bit like Forrest Gump during his running phase.
Following a historic railroad grade...
southwest of Spokane, Washington, the Columbia Plateau State Park Trail extends for 130 miles (209 km) across the semi-arid Channeled Scablands. Some portion of this trail system is part of my daily ride, usually a section between Spokane and Amber Lake, at its very northeastern end.
Open ponderosa pine forests and seasonal wetland ponds dominate the flat-lying terrain that traverses the 1908 path of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railroad.
A typical crowded day on the trail.
Potholes pregnant with rainwater...
from recent thunderstorms spot the slickrock surface at the Moab Brands trail system north of Moab. Here’s a view north into the heart of Utahraptor State Park and the Klondike Bluffs in Arches National Park, and further beyond to the Book Cliffs and Roan Plateau on the distant horizon. A beautiful morning for a long ride in solitude.
Passing another milestone...
on the journey to ride around Earth at the equator, or at least accumulating the equivalent mileage of such an endeavor on my stable of eMTBs. The 3,000 mile (4,800 km) mark was indicated on my Trek Powerfly hardtail during my ride in the coolness of the early morning, putting me at about 70% of my goal.
There's a cool temperature window...
in the early morning when one can still get out and ride on even the hottest days. It was quite the nice 17 mile (27 km) ride this morning, especially with the additional cloud cover, and I call this spot on the singletrack Ephedra Gardens because of all the Mormon tea.
The Kokopelli mountain bike trail...
runs 140 miles between Fruita, Colorado and Moab, Utah. My neighbor and I rode our eMTBs on the segment that mostly hugs the Colorado River between Dewey Bridge and Cisco Landing today, 20 miles out-and-back. It was moderately technical in spots with steep climbs on loose and bouldery slopes, but overall it’s a magnificent ride on a beautiful day.
View upstream with the trail traversing through the ledgy Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic).
View downstream of the Colorado River, running at about 15,000 cubic feet per second at the nearby Cisco gage.
There are occasional route markers beckoning one to follow the humpbacked frisky flute player.
Carry water!
Slipping into Arches National Park...
on the loveliest of spring days, my neighbor and I rode our eMTBs on the original entrance road - Willow Springs Road - a 20 mile (32 km) out-and-back from the highway. The nicest day of the year, so far.
Balanced Rock and the snowy La Sal Mountains. Look closely for Turret Arch in The Windows.
Eye of the Whale Arch. What a crazy landscape this is!
Wintry weather has finally arrived...
but only several inches of snow has fallen in Castle Valley, though the high country has been elevated to 90% of median snow water content for this time of year. It hasn’t stopped me from patrolling the trails and all the tire tracks be mine.
Multi-species use of the singletrack...
below Castleton Tower. Coexist.
Relatively dry conditions...
this autumn have kept the trails in a very rideable and enjoyable condition in Castle Valley National Park. Where is everybody?!
UPDATE: I rode 118 miles last week and hardly saw a soul, except for rabbits, mule deer and birds.
Recent mass wasting along the singletrack...
mountain bike trail near Castle Creek, where a seasonal unravelling of matrix-supported gravels had failed from the edge of a high fluvial terrace. May have to modify a short section of the trail this coming spring.
First tracks on freshly fallen flurries...
in the backyard mountain bike park below Adobe Mesa, after a brief overnight snow squall. Wonderful.