by the vulgar outdoor lighting at the Red Cliffs Lodge located 14 miles northeast of Moab, Utah. The owners/operators are apparently completely oblivious to the beauty and majesty of the night sky.
The view down valley...
from Castleton, Utah on a lovely mid-winter’s day.
Considering the choices at the lunch buffet...
A perfectly pecked petroglyph...
of an enormous owl, gazing unblinking for centuries over Kane Creek Canyon.
Six more weeks of winter...
is forecast by these Wild Turkeys who saw their shadow early this morning in Castle Valley.
A well camouflaged rabbit...
foraging in the underbrush.
Significant progress has been made...
on the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project where nearly 80% of contaminated tailings and soils have been removed since 2009, relocated about 30 miles to the north at a disposal site near Crescent Junction, Utah. Here are the numbers and a project overview.
A glowing snowscape...
dimly illuminated by the new Moon, with Orion hovering above Castle Valley.
A cold and starry night...
descends upon Castle Valley, Utah, now a third of the way through winter.
The high country slowly revealed...
showing where large cornices have been constructed from the historical record snowpack that has accumulated.
Scenic snowy landscapes...
may persist in the canyons in the Moab area for the week ahead, with frigid temperatures but little moisture predicted in the forecast.
The view from the window...
the morning after a winter storm, revealing a snowy blanket on the landscape and fully-flocked trees.
The snow water equivalent at the La Sal Mountain SNOTEL site is reporting 228% of the median value on this date based on 41 years of record! (Link to real time data.)
Riding out the storm...
but staying close to the feeding station while fluffy snowflakes fall. This round of moisture puts the La Sal Mountains at well over 200% of the median snow water content for this date.
A magnificent wintry wonderland...
at Bryce Canyon National Park, freshly dusted and dressed with snow from a recent winter storm.
It was a leisurely exploration...
on a delightful winter day with two friends in Gold Bar (Culvert) Canyon west of Moab. A continually ascending trail tops out at Gold Bar Arch, also known as Jeep Arch, after two miles with stunning views of the distant snowcapped La Sal Mountains.
A moody moonrise...
marks the first full lunar orb of the new year, as well as one of the smallest, the Wolf Moon.
The story of a bear hunt...
being literally depicted as a detailed petroglyph at the base of a tall sandstone wall along Potash Road. I think the interpretation of this panel is pretty clear.
The dusky stage is being set...
for the first full moonrise of the new year, the so-called Wolf’s Moon, still several days away. Still time to practice my howl.
A skyline on fire...
at sunset on New Year’s Day. A vibrant and welcome relief to an otherwise gray day. It doesn’t suck.
Pop goes the alignment...
of a shadow cast at the winter solstice sunrise, instantly corresponding to an etched line on a rock art panel on Potash Road near Moab, Utah. As impressive as it was to witness in person, it’s considerably more dramatic in this time-compressed video clip shot on my GoPro:
The brief clip (above) is about a one minute-long edited time-lapse of the moment of sunrise on the petroglyph panel on the morning of 21 December 2022.