shot this afternoon, showing fresh snow in the La Sals after the last storm three days prior.
Caught on the trail cam...
A badge of nerdiness...
arrived in the mail, a holiday card from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory featuring simple abstract depictions of Mars, the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter. Cool.
Get up-to-date regarding the on-going 2020 Mars Perseverance Rover mission.
Here’s an excellent article discussing the watery and sedimentary history of Jezero Crater.
Waxing gibbous Moon...
captured early this evening, 69% full, annotated with the general location of the Apollo landing sites on the illuminated portion.
Apollo 11 — Mare Tranquillitatis — July 20, 1969
Apollo 15 — Hadley/Apennines — July 30, 1971
Apollo 16 — Descartes — April 20, 1972
Apollo 17 — Taurus-Littrow — December 11, 1972
The International Dark Sky Association...
recognizes places that adopt quality outdoor lighting ordinances in order to protect dark skies, and the Town of Castle Valley is preparing an application to be designated an International Dark Sky Community. I’ve been asked to contribute some astroimages to support the application and I’m more than happy to help.
Here’s more about International Dark Sky Places.
The first winter storm...
dropped more than 20 inches of snow in the high country, and 1.1 inches (2.8 cm) of rain in my gauge in Castle Valley. More, please.
Mesas in the mist...
this morning, following a rainy night that deposited fresh snow in the high country.
A new lens for astrophotography...
has been added to the quiver, the tack-sharp Rokinon 135 mm manual prime focus f/2.0. I’m eager to shoot the Orion nebula on a cold, clear night. Stay tuned.
Long shadows in the mid-day...
signal the approaching winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.
A trail cam has been deployed...
in a local canyon on a well-worn game trail with frequent deer traffic. We’ll see what comes along.
The mooching rodent...
has returned to the feeding station, vacuuming up bird seed in its cheek pouch on a daily basis.
Voracious goldfinches...
working the seed heads in the rabbitbrush.
Same old, same old...
Three thousand miles...
on the radical RadRover 5 ebike! Still loads of fun.
Depths of the Earth...
by W.R. Halliday is the book that changed my life in junior high school, stimulating me to pursue a life of adventure, exploration and geology.
A regular breakfast visitor...
at the bird feeding stations that’s increasingly habituated to my presence, hence I’m able to get some nice close up images. Cool.
It bears repeating...
that today is yet another obscenely gorgeous day in Utah.
An old tricone drill bit...
was discovered on my walkabout today and has been added to my rock garden as a rusty relic from the mining era.
Return of the predator...
at the bird feeding station to see what’s on the buffet for Thanksgiving dinner.
Pumpkin pie chart...
for Thanksgiving. Yum!