in town, engaging in their usual harassing behavior towards the other birds at the feeding stations.
Perseverance's view...
during entry, descent and landing on Mars, as captured by the Lander Vision System camera used for terrain recognition and final targeting of the landing site. The Jezero delta is clearly recognizable in these images captured during its last minutes of flight. Wow!
Muley portrait...
Seasonal changing of the guard...
as spring arrives. The Dark-Eyed Juncos have migrated elsewhere and the common House Sparrows have wasted no time claiming the territory.
An absolutely glorious day...
in Castle Valley, pretty much demanding that I get out on the bike. But then, what day doesn’t? I saw the first lizards scooting about the red rocks today, a sure sign of spring.
Back in the valley...
after a two week absence. First order of business was to go for a ride! Priorities.
State of the western snowpack...
as of 1 March 2021. At a glance the Cascades and northern Rockies are average to well above average while the central and southern Rockies are average to well below average.
An adventure in the Adriatic...
region in 2016 with Zegrahm Expeditions is now featured in a new gallery page.
Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge...
in eastern Washington provided a sunny but wintry backdrop for an early morning outing in sub-zero windchill conditions. The various and active waterfowl did not disappoint, and patient shooting was richly rewarded.
Read about the restoration of Trumpeter Swans at Turnbull NWR in the 1950s.
Jezero delta front panorama...
constructed from images acquired by the Mastcam-Z cameras on the Perseverance rover during Sol 3. I’ve been drinking from the fire hose of thousands of new downloaded raw images and selected three to process and stitch together that depict the low escarpment at the delta front. The panorama clearly shows the distributary channels standing out on the upper delta plain in relief, as surrounding finer-grained sediments are swept away by the wind, coarser-grained channel deposits stand out as more prominent outcrops.
Local geography revealed...
of the landing site of the Perseverance rover, facing rearward towards Jezero delta and the distant high crater rim. I’ve downloaded and enhanced a just-released new image from the left navigation camera, seen on the right below, annotating prominent points on the horizon (H), a small butte (B) and two nearby delta lobes (L). One can also spy the former inflow channel, Neretva Vallis, as the low point on the crater rim.
Am I enjoying this? Yes, yes I am! If you wanna play, here are the raw images.
New Astrophotography gallery added...
that features images caught (mostly) in the dark of night, including the Milky Way, star trails, lunar and solar eclipses. Navigate to the Gallery link in the menu and enjoy!
My buddies and I...
would like to announce the new gallery page on Papua New Guinea. Images shot during Zegrahm Expeditions’ 2019 itinerary are now featured, so hit the Gallery link to navigate to the new page. Enjoy!
Hooray hooray...
we landed on Mars (again) today, exactly on target! Here are the first low-res images from the hazard cameras on the belly of the Perseverance rover, now healthy on the surface in Jezero Crater at the foot of a Gilbert delta. Happy exploring! I’ll eat rocks if they find stromatolites!
Here’s the NASA/JPL Mars 2020 Mission Website.
BREAKING NEWS: Marvin just entered the picture and he seems none too pleased at the sudden intrusion!
19 Feb 2021 UPDATE: Sol 1 images from Mars!
21 Feb 2021 UPDATE: I’ve stretched and annotated an image from the rear hazard camera with my interpretations, shown below.
Another return visitor...
at dusk, looking for a Junco snack. I love the somewhat macho Napoleonic pose being struck here by the most diminutive hawk in North America. (These guys aren’t much larger than an American Robin.)
They're back...
at the feeder this afternoon. Persistent Pinyon Jays. And wonderfully colorful!
A party of Pinyon Jays...
invaded the feeding stations this morning.
A junior member...
of the local Sharp-Shinned Hawk family visits this morning. Again, lousy conditions for photography but this was the first opportunity to catch this little one, all fluffed up and waiting for a meal.
Sharp-Shinned Hawk spying breakfast...
from its perch near the feeding station. Poor conditions for photography, but I do like the posture.
Mule deer trotting by...
this evening as I quickly got a couple of shots off from the back deck.