Good riddance to 2021...

and this pooping polar bear pretty much expresses how I feel about the past year. I’m hoping for a return to normality in 2022 but am not very optimistic.

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) on Storøya, Svalbard archipelago, in 2017, unabashedly going about its business.

A rapidly deepening snowpack...

in the Rocky Mountains is great news, especially following the intense dry conditions earlier in the year. The graph shows the upward trajectory of snow water equivalent in the Upper Colorado - Dolores River basin, in which the La Sal Mountains lay, presently at 141% of the median. A winter storm warning is in effect with more snow predicted today. Bring it on.

SWE graph for the Upper Colorado - Dolores river basin. Black line is this water year’s data. Here’s the link at the NCRS site.

The most ubiquitous bird...

at the feeding stations this winter, and voted most likely to be grabbed by the hawk. I’m waiting.

Male Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis).

Female Dark-eyed Junco fanning its tail feathers.

Iridescent visitors...

at the watering hole.

Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).

I’ve kept a 50W de-icer in the birdbath once the overnight temperature dropped below freezing and the birds are loving the access to the water.

Death on the wing...

takes a quick time out after swooping through the feeding station on a breakfast run. Note the feathers in its lifted talons.

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus).

Discretely watching from afar...

and semi-hidden in a cottonwood tree in hope of grabbing a meal at the bird feeding station. This isn’t a very good photograph, but I do enjoy watching the hunting strategy of this frequently visiting predator. Hey, everybody has to eat!

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus).

This road alignment...

with Castleton Tower is probably not accidental. Snapped this today while out on a ride, the last full day of autumn. Here comes winter.

Left to right: Priest and Nuns, Castleton Tower and Adobe Mesa.

Moonrise reprise...

this evening, about an hour later and a little further northward in its position compared to last night. Full moon occurs tomorrow night, and I’m in a howling mood.