known as Castleton Tower casts its shadow on the north-facing slopes of Adobe Mesa, sweeping rightward each successive night, until it appears nearly below the prominent tip of the mesa at the time of the summer solstice.
Hummingbirds are back in town...
Time to bloom...
Sunday walkabout...
in nearby Stearns Creek drainage. Here’s a wide panorama looking south:
Snake in the Mouth...
petroglyph panel is about two meters square, and likely depicts a snake dance ceremony.
Nearly ready to bloom...
Intestine Man...
is an amazing and extraordinarily anatomically detailed pictograph located north of Moab. The panel shown below is about two meters wide and shows three anthropomorphic figures on the left and six birds laid out on the right.
A natural sandstone billboard...
sits beneath Convent Mesa, on the far right, in the image immediately below. Three of the four sides of the nearly cubic block are adorned with dozens of petroglyphs, two of which are included here, each about 30 cm across.
Three in the heronry...
this morning, with what I believe are two males vying for the attention of a single female. I’ll be watching and shooting in the weeks to come!
Bold daylight raiding rodent...
at the feeding station this afternoon. I’m positive it can fit more seed in its cheeks!
This lowly darkling beetle...
is just one of an estimated 20,000 species belonging to the family Tenebrionidae.
Fiber is coming soon...
to the Castle Valley community and I eagerly welcome it to my digital diet way out here in the middle of gorgeous nowhere.
Exactly one year ago today...
the Great Blue Herons returned to their rookery on the Colorado River. Guess who showed up today?
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get all the birds to pose calmly and look in the same direction?!
Two high desert shrubs...
join the spring bloom along the Colorado River.
Early morning reconnaissance flight...
by two Canada Geese above the Colorado River.
A pile of local history...
is marked by this heap of aspen wood waste, all that remains from a shingle splitting operation that existed on this site. The locals in Castle Valley refer to the nearby irrigation pond as the Quakie Shake pond in recognition of this little bit of history.
More feathered visitors...
around the feeding stations this morning as additional species discover the horn of plenty at my place.
Time for a bath...
for this White-Crowned Sparrow. Be sure to get under those arms, er, wings.
Montana is supposed to be...
“Big Sky Country” but I beg to differ this evening as sunset approaches.
Vibrance returns to the high desert...
as the spring bloom commences in southern Utah.