Spring arrives in the high desert...

in southern Utah, with the first splashes of bright color displayed by the common Indian paintbrush.

Indian paintbrush (genus Castilleja) in bloom at Round Mountain.

Upper end of Castle Valley, looking north. Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) is beginning to slowly awaken, too.

Forests of stamens...

topped with millions of anthers producing trillions of pollen particles in countless wildflowers during this season’s super bloom in the high desert is really hammering my allergies. It’s been quite miserable this year, especially if one likes to breathe freely.

Macro image of prickly pear cactus blossom showing the stigma (green bulb in center) surrounded by hundreds of stamens consisting of anthers at the tips of each filament. Amazing micro universe when one gets small.

Several patches of invasive thistle...

were the target of my energies this morning. You’re welcome, Castle Valley.

Know before you dig! There are several native thistles in southeastern Utah that are utilized by mule deer and other range animals, one of which is shown below.

Cainville thistle (Cirsium calcareum).

Yellow signals are being loudly broadcast...

to the remaining high desert pollinators by the tiny broom snakeweed and much larger rubber rabbitbrush, the last remaining flowering plants this season. They’re both quite lovely right now.

Rubber rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa (formerly Chrysothamnus nauseosus)).

Broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae).

A phallic fungus...

raises its stinky black-capped head in a matter of hours, triggered by recent heavy rains and today’s warming sunshine. Several of these odd fruiting bodies have emerged over the last six hours. Flies love the putrid odor.

Stinkhorn fungus (Phallus impudicus), also known as prickle mushroom for some reason.

Thriving in disturbed areas...

this vibrant giant blazingstar is especially colorful against the dark basalt.

Giant blazingstar (Mentzelia laevicaulis), about three feet (one meter) in diameter.

Blazingstar blossoms are large, about 3.5 inches (9 cm) across, and full of whisker-like stamens.

Vivid yellow dominates the desert...

landscape right now, with a number of plants at their peak. Put on your sunglasses. Here’s a sample captured during my morning ride.

Rough mule’s ears (Wyethia scabra) and my awesome RadRover 5 (sporting brand new tires).

Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) and the Priest and Nuns, the Rectory and Castleton Tower (L to R).

Prince’s plume (Stanleya pinnata).