from my ride early this afternoon around Castle Valley, Utah. It’s like having a mountain bike park in your backyard!
The gate at the southern city limits, with the Round Mountain plagioclase-rich trachyte porphyry stock in the background. It’s the cathode to Devils Tower’s anode.
Panorama showing Adobe Mesa (left) to Castleton Tower (right). Here the track is within the strike valley consisting of Moenkopi Formation (Triassic) sandstone and mudstone red beds. (Click image to enlarge.)
Old jeep track with a commanding view of Castleton Tower, which consists of the Wingate Sandstone (Triassic-Jurassic) sitting atop the Chinle Formation (Triassic).
Panorama showing Castleton Tower and the Rectory (left) to Adobe Mesa (right). My shadow in this image absolutely proves that I was there! (Click image to enlarge.)
I always appreciate a charming ranch gate.
For the nerds: Here’s the GPS track recorded by my Garmin Fenix 6X Pro watch, superimposed on Google Earth, covering 17 miles and 1,600 feet elevation gain.