is arguably the classic mountain bike trail in the Moab area. I spent three hours in the cool early morning cranking around the ~10 mile route on a rolling sandstone surface that is awesomely fun to ride. Be assured that this trail is appropriately rated ‘difficult’ and it’s a workout even on an eMTB.
Map and trail information posted at the trailhead.
A seemingly endless but complexly eroded surface of Navajo Sandstone on which the Slickrock Trail meanders. (Click on image to enlarge.)
View of Moab and Spanish Valley and The Portal, the Colorado River canyon to the right of center. (Click on image to enlarge.)
L to R: Colorado River canyon, high La Sal Mountains and Shrimp Rock. (Click image to enlarge.)
Critical intersections are well marked on the popular trail, and I couldn’t be happier with my new Trek Powerfly 4 eMTB.
My GPS track superimposed on Google Earth.
Here’s the trail information at MTB Project.