in anticipation of a frigid ascent into Hidden Valley tomorrow in order to chase the rising Sun as first light falls on an array of petroglyph panels. A small yet determined group is prepared to make observations near the winter solstice while a clear weather window opens tomorrow. My focus is on both still and time-lapse photography, and I need to get an early start at 6 am at the trail head. The first half-mile climbs 660 ft but it will be dark and the predicted temperature is 14° F.
Three-dimensional terrain model showing the position of the rising Sun and the projected shadows on the landscape on the winter solstice. From Photo Ephemeris Web which is a very useful planning tool for astrophotographers.
Closer view at around 9:30 am on the winter solstice. Pin is at west end of Hidden Valley where I generally intend to place a GoPro for time-lapse photography.
Rory Tyler narrates his presentation on Hidden Valley Astronomical Observations.