Rockfall from Porcupine Rim...

in Castle Valley, Utah occurred around 1 am MST, and was so loud that it woke me up! I stoked the fire in the wood stove and went back to bed, finding the small scar and debris run-out only after sunrise. It’s the geology of now!

Closer view under different lighting conditions.

Closer view under different lighting conditions.

Debris shed during the small event was funneled into several steep ravines eroded into the mudstone slopes of the Chinle Formation.  The vertical Wingate escarpment is about 500 feet high to give a sense of scale.  No residential structures were imp…

Debris shed during the small event was funneled into several steep ravines eroded into the mudstone slopes of the Chinle Formation. The vertical Wingate escarpment is about 500 feet high to give a sense of scale. No residential structures were impacted.