Tavurvur volcano at the edge of Rabaul caldera...

was responsible for the destruction of the entire town of Rabaul in 1994, now rebuilt as seen below. On this day it was actively venting steam, but little else.

View of Tavurvur from the ship as we enter the harbour within the caldera.  This is approximately the same vantage point as that seen in the dramatic video linked below.

View of Tavurvur from the ship as we enter the harbour within the caldera. This is approximately the same vantage point as that seen in the dramatic video linked below.

Close view of sandy ash that fell, meters deep, in 1994.

Close view of sandy ash that fell, meters deep, in 1994.

A staff member of the well-equipped Rabaul Volcano Observatory holds a modern seismometer. This lab was just recently outfitted two months ago with the assistance of the USGS and VDAP.

A staff member of the well-equipped Rabaul Volcano Observatory holds a modern seismometer. This lab was just recently outfitted two months ago with the assistance of the USGS and VDAP.

See video of the 2014 eruption of Tavurvur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMxIlXW56cQ

Read about 1994 eruption that buried the village of Rabaul: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabaul