Unnecessary harassment of mule deer...

by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources at Round Mountain this afternoon, where I witnessed a helicopter chasing herds at low altitudes and shooting nets at individuals. This is ostensibly in the name of science, which a conservation officer wouldn’t discuss with me when I raised questions about the activity. Unbelievable and highly aggravating.

Two mule deer slung below a Hughes 500 helicopter.

Two sedated mule deer on field examination tables, being tended to by DWR staff. Nobody would explain their activities.

Follow up: The DWR conservation officer told me that “no deer are ever injured” by the process. While the injury rate is low, it is certainly not zero: Assessing the Helicopter and Net Gun as a Capture Technique for White-Tailed Deer.

Breaking News on 8 December 2022:

From the Moab Times-Independent on 8 December 2022. Karma.

Here’s the full story in the Moab Times-Independent.