Star trails over Castle Valley...

and a bonus meteor (!) as twilight descends on the landscape. This shooting location is in Professor Valley, immediately to the east of Castle Valley, just on the other side of Castleton Tower. This image was shot as I scouted a location for capturing the Milky Way later in the evening, rather, early the following morning.

Cumulative twenty minute-long exposure consisting of 40 individual images, each 30 seconds long, stacked and blended with StarStax software.

Cumulative twenty minute-long exposure consisting of 40 individual images, each 30 seconds long, stacked and blended with StarStax software.

Core of the Milky Way framed between Adobe Mesa (left) and Castleton Tower, the Rectory, Priest and Nuns (right).

Core of the Milky Way framed between Adobe Mesa (left) and Castleton Tower, the Rectory, Priest and Nuns (right).