Priorities at EWU...

I just received this very disappointing information from the curator of the gallery at EWU:

Good afternoon, Dr. Buchanan, 

I wanted to share with you that the EWU Downtown Student Gallery will be closing its doors this June 2019, and will not be able to host your exhibition fall quarter of 2019. While I was very excited to host this exhibit, given the university’s current budget situation, it has been decided to close the gallery.

Thank you so much for your support and I wish you well.



I bet the athletics program at EWU continues to receive full support!

Transition in progress...

as I move out of the office I have occupied for more than 34 years at EWU. It’s amazing how much stuff had fallen into the event horizon defined by these walls! IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not at all a sad occasion, as my next “office” is a staff cabin on an expedition ship exploring the world, specifically Antarctica, my third season on the icy continent!

My good friend and erstwhile colleague Nigel contributed the image above.  Thanks!

My good friend and erstwhile colleague Nigel contributed the image above. Thanks!

Last lecture at EWU

Here’s most of my last senior class in sedimentology and stratigraphy, celebrating the end of my long career! I could not have hoped for a better bunch of students… thank you all.

last class at ewu 29 nov 2018.jpg