Bright comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE...

is now a spectacular naked-eye object. Get up at least an hour before sunrise and cast your gaze toward the north-northeast, low above the horizon, to spy this fleeting visitor to the inner solar system. You can’t miss it.

Shot with tripod-mounted Canon 5Div and 500 mm prime lens, ISO 3200, 1 sec at f/4.0.

Shot with tripod-mounted Canon 5Div and 500 mm prime lens, ISO 3200, 1 sec at f/4.0.

UPDATE: This comet is now an easy evening object to see toward the north-northwest, a little more than an hour after sunset: How to See Comet NEOWISE in the Night Sky This Month. Super in binoculars! Get out and take a look… you can sleep when you’re dead.

Click image to enlarge finder chart.

Shot at around 10:30 pm PDT on Monday, 13 July.

Shot at around 10:30 pm PDT on Monday, 13 July.